Päiväkirja - FarmerJeannine

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10 huhtikuuta 2018

Hello, I hope everyone is well today!

Today should be better for me - those of you who know about my cute, geriatric dog, Pippin, will be relieved to know that he's much better today - he had a bad reaction to his heartworm medication, and wouldn't eat anything... not a good situation for an extremely underweight, diabetic, elderly dog! Yesterday was pretty stressful... He seemed a lot better last night and actually ate his dinner, so I think it's finally out of his system. Considering he's over 15 years old now and lives in the house (and since he's blind, he never goes outdoors without his seeing-eye-human), my hubby and I will ask the vet if we can skip the medication in the future. A happy fur baby makes for a happy mom! :D

After only two days, I am finally used to no added sweetener in my coffee!!! After reading some advice posted by Phil (and looking up something that Deadpool had described as a great example of sugar free evil, "sugar free haribo gummy bears" - I had to look them up because I'd never heard of them, but there are a lot of disgustingly hilarious stories about them on the 'net), I decided to quit putting fake sugar in my coffee. I thought it would taste gross, but this is my second day of nothing but unsweetened almond milk in my coffee, and I have to admit that it tastes just fine... so thank you, Phil and Deadpool!

That's it for today - spring is creeping in!!

10 huhtikuuta 2018

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
64,4 kg 2,3 kg 3,6 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (1 kommentti) Painonpudotus 1,1 kg viikossa

07 huhtikuuta 2018

Cooking weekend!

I have some veggies from my garden last fall that I need to use up...

I grew some sweet potatoes on the deck last summer - a very enthusiastic volunteer from the supermarket begged for a chance to grow (it started sprouting), so I planted it... very beautiful plant, it even bloomed!! I took the last of the roots (minus some for replanting) and turned them into sweet potato oatmeal muffins to go with my breakfast smoothies... and I've gotten used to the taste of spirulina! :)

For lunches, I plan to use up more of my year+ old 25 cent a package whole wheat matzo crackers for a recipe I found called "Matzah Lasagna," swapping out the beef the recipe wants for veggie burger crumbles and upping the veggies in it. Now that Passover has come and gone, I've got to keep my eye open at the grocery for more whole wheat matzo on sale! :)

I still have some parsnips that I grew in the garden last year, so they'll be going into a root vegetable gratin, another recipe I found on line - I just need to do a little subbing with the fat-containing ingredients (cut out the heavy cream and gruere cheese and butter, replace them with almond milk, non-fat mozzarella, and a smaller amount of olive oil) to make it AHA friendly.

To go with the gratin, I plan to make barley risotto (barley has more fiber than rice!). This recipe is from the AHA cookbook, so I didn't have to monkey around with it much - it calls for water instead of the traditional wine, but I figure the wine would taste better, and won't hurt me much once the alcohol's cooked out. :) It's got a pound of mushrooms and a pound of asparagus in it, so it should be yummy! I ended up buying canned no-salt-added asparagus because it's not asparagus season in New Hampshire yet, and the fresh offerings at the grocery store looked skinny and anemic... I'll just put it in at the end of the cooking time instead of when it's supposed to go in.

I'm waiting impatiently for Mother Nature to remember that it's spring - there's a couple inches of snow out there right now! My asparagus bed has been maturing for three years, and this year I'll be able to eat asparagus for lunch and supper every day for a couple of weeks (hubby doesn't like the way it smells on the way out, so he doesn't eat it) - I'll share some out with the neighbors, too. I really like asparagus!! :) After a few weeks, I'll need to stop harvesting and allow the spears to grow up the way they're intended, so the plants can start bulking up for the next winter - grown up asparagus is beautiful, it looks like giant ferns (but you can't eat it)...

Have a great day, everyone!
Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
64,9 kg 1,8 kg 4,1 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   (24 kommenttia) Painonpudotus 0,6 kg viikossa

06 huhtikuuta 2018

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,0 kg 1,7 kg 4,2 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 1,3 kg viikossa

05 huhtikuuta 2018

Paino: Tähän mennessä pudotettu: Vielä jäljellä: Dieetin noudattaminen:
65,1 kg 1,5 kg 4,4 kg Kohtuullisen hyvin
   Lisää kommentti Painonpudotus 1,9 kg viikossa

Painohistoria - FarmerJeannine

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